Masanari Hurukawa
temporary position

2010 / exhibition
Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art / Kyoto

wooden boards / paint / gate hooks

Multiple boards were installed after being connected by hooks.
These are simple things that affect individuals with minute energy.
to maintain a self-contained relationship


wooden boards / hinges

a self-contained tool that can be anywhere, anytime
It is a new form of a relationship that exists between inside and outside.
(Nobody could predict the pandemic that happened 20 years later.)
what we can't see

2014 / Art Group Michi Exhibition
Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art / Kyoto

Kraft paper / performance

A march of communication failure took place in the museum.
The wearer, the viewer, and the image are separate but in the same place.
a performance where Otafuku masks were worn

2015 / Art Group Michi workshop
what we can't see

2015 / Kyoto Seoul 6000 Seconds Art Message

Ligak Museum of Art / Cheonan-si South Korea

Kraft paper / wire hangers